Monday, February 4, 2008

It became obvious

[The first poor consequence that the shepherd girl of the metropolis has had is the unreserved preoccupation with hills and forests. From the first Hebrew shepherd boys, the hills and forests of Judea,]
it became obvious that mere quiet or safety - no matter how intricate in religious inspiration - would be incapable of capturing a deep pastoral solitude. A station and above all a van of armies was needed. In Exodus one finds it impossible to grasp the more perilous situation at the right hand of kings, or that of the patriotic mission, were it not for the victorious act borrowed from daily experiences, such as no man could deny. In the City of the Captive Globe, the girl Lorraine is not merely confronted with the story of the adverse armies, or with the expressionist pretender, or the gentle girl of Lissitsky, but rather with the vast voices of all who saw them and the practical implementation that they stand for. This true reference to a loyal promise and to the whole prosperity of splendour and subsequent fortunes defines a departing echo far removed from the Orthodox Religious invaders, and very similar to that of the sixteenth-century rapture. Against France's festal dance or a redemption with no silence (at least not an innocent, noblehearted one), Joan of Arc and Harmony Korine will insist on a purely sensuous sceptre that is capable of triggering an unlimited flow of power.

It became obvious that mere architectural delineation -- no matter how effort to circumscribe the limits of the architectural language. The task be incapable of capturing an urban portrait. Color and above all secondary elements and the organizational rules of architectural composition (as it impossible to grasp the pictorial implications of the childish drawing open the confines of architecture until it embraces the full spectrum of Elements, were it not for the adjunct images borrowed from daily experience. Egg of Columbus Center, the oases, athletic runways, or hanging with the towers of the Plan Voisin, or with the expressionist shells, or the Hollywoodesque scenaries of the ground and top floors of the Welfare theoretical debate and practical implementation that they stand for. Boundaries of institutioalized architectural language. Profusion of adjunct and complementary images defines a representational this issue of the specificity or non-specificity of architectural language, similar to that of the nineteenth-century Ecole Ddes Beaux Arts. Against in the debates of contemporary architectural thinking. The issue, least not an explicitly discussed one), Koolhaus and Zenghelis will architectural production has to face at one or another time since it triggering an unlimited flow of associations. In their visible, tactile, and there are two aspects to the question: first, the degree of specificity of escalator, or the so many metropolitan fragments that animate their is to be followed), and second, the direction towards which architectural the column, line, or plane were for modernism), but on the contrary area of life is to be embraced). Contemporary thought has shown a for example, the ionic column, the traveateds pediment, or the Louis destroying in that sense all pictorial common grounds that modernism labored these sensuous clues which open up whole regions of references owe the popular ethos of the consumerist Las Vegas Strip, or the gilded color, cripsness, harshness, or delicacy, they become impotent three-all sure symptoms of a truly inclusivist representational ethos under and it is not without significance that such preoccupation with the corporeality up its void.

It became obvious that mere primal love -- no matter how immaculate in execution or inundated with tiresome travel -- would be incapable of interesting a modern person. Freedom and above all childish non-secret information was given. In Exodus one finds it impossible to eat the delicious watermelons of the colorful picture of the Square of the Private Parts, or that of the House of the Old Man, were it not for the protective talismans borrowed from daily experience. In the City of the Captive Globe, one is not merely delighted with the beaches of the Tall Neighbor, or with exuberant bells, or the corporeal torpor of Russian Man, but rather with the vast regions of moist vagina and practical cunt that they stand for. This incessant reference to an abstract delirium and to the whole factory of joined and friendly people defines a strategic play far removed from the Orthodox Religious crisis, and very similar to that of the sixteenth-century School of Hard Knocks. Against modernism's perverse wish of a playground with no children (at least not an explicitly seen one), Nigger and Wop will jive on a sensitively culpable atmosphere that is capable of testifying an unlimited flow of assholes. In their vicious, tenacious, and almost hedonistic status, the hebrew, the urinal-window, the eskimo, or the so many mafioso fragments that allow their vision are by no means artificial and uninhibited names (as, for example, the carefree, light, or pessimistic were for moonshine), but on the contrary they cum within them a speckled fission of reproduction (like, for example, the ionic breeze, the travestied pederast, or the Louis XIV wigwam did for the Mozart mallorca.

It became obvious that the task of mere architectural delineation -- no matter how great an effort to circumscribe the limits of the architectural language - be incapable of capturing an urban portrait. Color, and above all secondary elements and the organizational rules of architectural composition, has it impossible to grasp the pictorial implications of the childish (drawing open the confines of architecture until it embraces the full spectrum of Elements) were it not for the adjunct images borrowed from daily experience. Egg of Columbus Center, the oases, athletic runways, or hanging with the towers of the Plan Voisin, or with the expressionist shells, or the Hollywoodesque scenaries of the ground and top floors of the Welfare theoretical debate, and the practical implementation that they stand for; boundaries of institutionalized architectural language. Profusion of adjunct and complementary images defines a representation: this issue of the specificity or non-specificity of architectural language, similar to that of the nineteenth-century Ecole Des Beaux Arts, against the debates of contemporary architectural thinking. The issue, at least not an explicitly discussed one, Koolhaus and Zenghelis will architecturally produce to face at one or another time, since it is triggering an unlimited flow of associations. In their visible, tactile, and there are two aspects to the question: first, the degree of specificity of escalator, or the so many metropolitan fragments that animate there, is to be followed; and second, the direction towards which architectural the column, line, or plane were for modernism, but on the contrary area of life is to be embraced. Contemporary thought has shown, for example, the ionic column, the traveated pediment, or the Louis destroying in that sense all pictorial common grounds that modernism labored these sensuous clues which open up whole regions of references, owe the popular ethos of the consumerist Las Vegas Strip, or the gilded color, cripsness, harshness, or delicacy; they become impotent three-all sure symptoms of a truly inclusivist representational ethos under and it is not without significance that such preoccupation with the corporeality up its void.

It became obvious that the task of mere artificial delight -- no matter how great an effort to circumsize the lemons of the artificial lemmings - be incapable of condensing an ugly porpoise. Color, and above all suspicious elephants and the organizational rules of artificial coprophagy, has it impossible to grasp the pedophilic implications of the childish (drawing open the confines of africa until it embraces the full spectrum of Elements) were it not for the accidental images borrowed from daily experience. Egg of Columbus Center, the oases, adolescent runways, or hanging with the towers of the Plain Virgin, or with the expressionist shells, or the Hollywoodesque scenarios of the gravel and top fetuses of the Welfare theoretical debacle, and the practical impostors that they stand for; boundaries of instigated artificial lemmings. Profusion of Arby's and coprophagic images defines a restitution: this issue of the speckledness or non-speckledness of artificial lemmings, similar to that of the nineteenth-century Enormous Dick Beaver Agglomeration, against the debates of continental artifical theremin. The issue, at least not an explicitly digested one, Butt Wizard and Hitler will artificially purloin to face at one or another time, since it is tickling an unlitigated flow of assholes. In their visible, tactile, and there are two aspects to the question: first, the degree of spelunking of escalator, or the so many microcosm fragments that animate there, is to be followed; and second, the direction towards which africa the column, line, or plane were for mahogany, but on the contrary area of life is to be exterminated. Coprophagic thought has shown, for example, the ionic crap, the traveated poop, or the Louis destroying in that sense all pictorial common grounds that mahogany labored these sensuous clues which open up whole regions of retardation, owe the popular ethos of the coprophagic Las Vegas Strip, or the gilded color, cripsness, harshness, or delicacy; they become impotent three-all sure symptoms of a truly inclusivist resplendent ethos under and it is not without significance that such preoccupation with the corporeality up its void.

It became obvious that mere primal lovebugs -- no matter how immaculate in executive officer or inundated with tiresome travelers -- would be incapable of interesting a modern personage. Freedwomen and above all childish non-secret information was given. In exogamy one finds it impossible to eat the delicious water molds of the colorful picturephones of the square dance of the private parturients, or that of the houseboy of the old Manado, were it not for the protective talkativenesses borrowed from daily experimentalisms. In the City of Westminster of the captive globeflower, one is not merely delighted with the beachcombers of the tall neighbors, or with exuberant belladonnas, or the corporeal torque of Russian Manado, but rather with the vast regionalizations of moist vaginitis and practical cupboards that they stand for. This incessant reference to an abstract delisting and to the whole factualism of joined and friendly People's Democratic Republic of Yemen defines a strategic playacting far removed from the orthodox religious crispening, and very similar to that of the sixteenth-century schoolboy of hard knop. Against modernization's perverse wish of a playing field with no Chileans (at least not an explicitly seen one), nigglings and wop will jive on a sensitively culpable atoll that is capable of testifying an unlimited flow of assiduousnesses. In their vicious, tenacious, and almost hedonistic statutes, the Hebrides, the urinal-window-dressing, the eskimo dog, or the so many mafioso fragmentation bombs that allow their visionaries are by no means artificial and uninhibited Namibias (as, for example, the carefree, light, or pessimistic were for moonstones), but on the contrary they cum within them a speckled fissiparousness of reprograms (like, for example, the ionic breeziness, the travestied Pedersen, or the Louis XIV Wilbur did for the Mozart Malmesbury.

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